So I Want to Workout but…


HA!  Snow is the best excuse ever.  We all go out of work at 2 today which was fantastic!  I should’ve gone straight to the gym though because roads were still pretty clear.  It could be that my neighborhood just hasn’t been addressed in a while…

Convince me to workout.  And go!

Progress Update…since Saturday

So its been awhile since I’ve updated on what I’ve been up to.

Well… Saturday was intense!  I only just got feeling back in my arms after that workout!  So I focused on my arms and chest and some abs (i’m trying to do some core stuff every session).  One thing I’m enjoying that Andrew helped me with are stretches before and after the workouts.  I never really stretched before (probably bad) but it feels like a really good way to start and end.  After the stretching I did many dips, pushups, and bench presses and I’m really impressed I stuck through it!

I ended up running into my Kickboxing instructor who was very obviously surprised to see me there on a Saturday…ha!

I did not workout on Monday but I did go to Kickboxing on Tuesday (even though I tried to convince myself not to and to just go next Saturday…).  As always, that was a good workout.  He made us flip a tire…10 times. URGH.  Its neat though because the kickboxing program just got picked up all around the U.S. and because it started here they are getting a TON of new equipment and soon the room will look like a real kickboxing studio (or so he says).  I am excited about that though!

Skipped out a gym today but I started reading a new book in a Starbucks by myself.  2 pretty big things for me!  I also practiced piano for 2+ hours because I just got a new book for my piano lessons that start tomorrow 🙂  Very yay!

Food…hmm.  Doing good!  My snacking has consisted of almonds, blueberries, apples, and snap peas with hummus (love love love).  I’ll admit, I have had a handful or 2 of caramel popcorn from the holidays.  The other day I had a delicious Kashi Mushroom and Spinach Pizza (saved half of it for the lunch the next day).

I have had 2 guilt free meals- On Friday night I had an amazing Blue Cheese Burger (blue cheese-my biggest weakness!) and blue cheese chips.  On Saturday night after the Espn fiasco we went to Wildfire for a FREE dinner (Andrew’s summer boss sponsored it).  This dinner consisted of amazing appetizers (yes goat cheese dip), chopped salad, salmon and steak and mashed potatoes and veggies (brussel sprouts patrice!), and then of course fancy ice cream sandwiches for dessert.  There was NO way I would’ve skipped any of that meal:-P  Sooooo good.

For the rest of the week- plan is to work out tomorrow, friday, and saturday or sunday.  It will happen!

Being Happy With Who You Are

So…I love me some Yahoo News.

Here is a fun, inspiring article (mostly pictures) about Singers Who Love Their Bodies.

You have to be inspired by people who are proud to be who they are and don’t care what other people say.  I could get into a long rant about standards in today’s society and yada yada and so on… but I won’t.  This can be just plain and simple: stand up against society’s idea of beautiful.  Stand up for you and feel good about it.

I think that this is my ultimate goal- to just be happy with me and the wonderful way I look.

Winter Detox Superfood Salad

I’m definitely making this this week! It looks so fresh!

Winter Detox Superfoods Salad
serves 4
1 small bunch broccoli, raw or quickly blanched
2 tangerines, peeled and segments separated, plus 1 for dressing
1 pomegranate, seeded
1/4 cup shaved or thinly sliced fennel
1 avocado, sliced
1/4 cup walnut pieces
extra virgin olive oil
Toss first 6 ingredients together in a medium bowl. Drizzle olive oil and juice of one tangerine over salad. Season with salt and pepper to taste.


I know, I know! I haven’t posted anything the past two days and I don’t have a good excuse!

Anyhoo, I relapsed on some late night binge eating on Sunday. I don’t even know why that happened. I’m going to get back on track!

I’ve been super good about working out though. I’ve gone to the gym every single day except Saturday. Were they all super hard and productive? Not necessarily. But, after organizing my calendar for the rest of the school year, I anticipate a major stress hit around mid-February. Last time I had a stress attack, I drank a bottle of wine every night for an entire week then half a tub of ice cream every night for the next week. That’s when I peeled myself off the couch and thought to myself that I can’t live like this anymore and purchased a gym membership. I’m forcing myself to go almost every single day even though I don’t want to because I’m hoping that I’ll develop a habit by mid-February and deal with my stress by working out rather than drowning myself in unhealthy habits. That’s the plan so far!

I’m behind…

I have a bunch of updates but it has been pretty crazy since Saturday.

Poor little Espn is sick…and because of it he has peed on my bags and my bed. Ickk but I still feel bad for him 😦


I had to leave him at the vet last night and I’m picking him up sometime this morning.  I think even little Maeby missed him because she let out these mournful meows this morning after she was fed.  *sigh*

Anyway, I’ll do a real update later today to catch you all up on the last few days 🙂

Update…just got a call from the vet.   Espn has a fever so they want to keep him a few more hours 😦  urgh.


So tonight may have turned into my cheat day. We won’t discuss the exact reasons- let’s just say my dinner wasn’t healthy and probably wouldn’t count as dinner to 99.9% of the world.

It’s not a setback, just an oopsie.

Just to be safe, I threw away the rest of said dinner. Hopefully it won’t happen again.

Lesson of the day: I am an emotional/boredom eater. I need to find something to munch on when urge to eat hits that is healthy. Something chocolatey and salty preferably. A handful of almonds just won’t cut it when I feel the need to down half a box of Oreos. Maybe some kind of rich dark chocolate?


Lazy Sunday Update

I obviously have not posted in a few days. Oops.

My weekend actually went pretty well. I stayed pretty healthy Friday and Saturday, though I did have a Daisy Cutter last night. Only one though! With drinking now I decided to try the have one good drink rather than having multiple not very good cheap drinks that I don’t really enjoy. I figure it’ll save me A) Money and B) Calories. Plus why would you have a Bud Light when you could have a tasty beer?

I watched this cool documentary with Rahul and Spencer last night about craft beer and how the Bud company are evil. So that’s it. No more Bud Light. DOWN WITH THE CORPORATIONS! Or something like that.

I decided Sunday is my not counting calories day. Now I decided this mostly because, well we all need a day off. I’m not eating more or worse than I’d eat on a counting day, I’m just taking the day off from counting. It’ll also be interesting to see how my choices change over time on Sundays as time goes on and healthy eating and portion control becomes more of a habit.

Yesterday I took Bruce on a different walk than I normally do and I found an awesome park literally a 5 minute walk from my apartment! They have trails for running and an open field for Bruce to play in, so we’re all pretty excited overall. I really do prefer running on trails in naturey areas, so I’m glad I know that’s there now. So is Bruce.

Well that’s about as interesting as I get this weekend. I’m going to look through some cookbooks for some recipes to try this week and then get some cleaning done. Ick.